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wg daty autora tytułu odwiedzin
17-02-2022 Klemens Submerged: Hidden Depths 172
05-08-2022 Klemens Alaloth: Champions of the Four Kingdoms 165
19-11-2022 Suert Death Trash 134
20-02-2023 Elennes Gloomwood 113
12-01-2023 Suert Starfield 111
06-04-2023 Klemens Dreadful River 109
04-02-2023 tenshi_chan Dark Envoy 107
03-04-2023 Suert Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon 87
24-03-2023 Suert Bramble: The Mountain King 83
29-09-2023 Elennes Age of Reforging: The Freelands 81
26-06-2023 Elennes Testament: The Order of High-Human 73
20-09-2023 Klemens Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord 64
22-11-2023 Klemens Gods of the Twilight 58
05-03-2024 Klemens Terra Memoria 53
09-10-2023 Klemens Frozen Flame 36
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